Vendor Submissions

Vendor Submission Guidelines

Image Conscious welcomes submissions of prints for consideration by our acquisitions committee. Please review the guidelines below.

Submitting Prints for Distribution

Send submissions to:
Char McShane
Director of Acquisitions
Image Conscious
147 Tenth Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Image Conscious is always considering new, quality prints for distribution. We only distribute prints that have been published in open edition format. We do not distribute limited edition prints, original works or mixed media.

Prints are evaluated for their salability in our market. Before sending samples we strongly suggest that you do your own research into the open edition, fine art print market by visiting a retail print shop or gallery in your area, or by browsing through the Image Conscious Catalogue found in retail print shops or on this website.

We prefer that you send two sample copies of each print for consideration. Sorry, but we cannot return print samples. Include your contact information and the suggested retail price of your print.